Thursday, September 21, 2006

School is a Drag...Or is it?

The answer... yes. It is, but there are some times that aren't. So in the morning I have Chinese class and that was soo boring. THe teacher teaches so all over the place that it's hard to understand and whatnot. Oh well. Anyways, the funniest thing happened in Business class today. We were doing some group work and there was this question about what we had to know about "our future custumers."
So, this guy said something about "our future" and "your future." And I was like, what the hell are you talking about? And he kept going on about this. And we're like wtf? He's like, well we're on question #1 right? And I was like yah... He's like it's asking about "our future" But I was like, you missed out customers. HAHA. I was laughing so hard...LOL. My life is dull.
Yah, and outloud, some other guy in my group said "intrigued" wrong and I had to hold my laughter that it hurted my stomach. Haha. For some weird reason, I found that hilarious. I had to cover my mouth so many times to muffle my laughter... haha.

Well, lots of homework to finish up... And I'm getting the hottest boots ever this weekend <3 Maybe I'll post a picture of it =O!!!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Waiting on the World to Change


Well, again, I think I'm suppose to be doing my homework. But, sigh, I really don't want to. Yesterday my cousin came over. She is kind of a bore. LOL. I used to talk to her a lot about like games and stuff but she's kinda rude. She sometimes doesn't think before she speaks. Oh well.

Chinese is really hard... =S. I have so much trouble trying to memorize the characters and the pinyin writing and whatnot. Geezz.. I kinda wish I didn't take that class. But seriously there is this one girl that really pisses me off in that class. This class is for beginners and yet she was "raised-in-China-and-wants-to-maintain-the-language." If she's so good in Chinese, why is she in a begginers class? :\

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My new Blog.

Well, I was bored, so I decided to make a blog. WOW, exciting. I know. Well, anywho, not much else to say really. Just that I'm bored, and I don't want to do my homework. Well, I may post more later!! Bye bye! =D