Sunday, April 15, 2007

It has been...

...10 days since my last post.

I have exams on thrusday. My final two exams till I'm finally done with the semester. I am so very excited. Well, I am bored now.

2 months till New York.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm going to get my rook pierced

Yah, so I'm going to get that pierced. Google it if you don't know what that is, cause I don't feel like really posting a picture along with explaining it. I just know for sure, that it's going to hurt like a mother f-ing bitch. Ahh well, I'm going to get it with my friend :) Who's COMING BACK FROM TORONTO!! Finally. Geez, she left me :(

Anyways, I think I need to go out more. :(
Seriously, I do!


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I just remembered...

School's almost out, but that means I have to get a job. With my first paycheck I'm thinking of getting a DS :D but, that is, if I get a job :(
I mean like a good one.

On MS news, I got my hunter to level 60! Woot! Ranger, here I come!

Also, transit might go on strike AGAIN Seriously, BC has like someone on strike all the time. It's stupid. And now if buses don't run, I can't go anywhere... I RELY ON TRANSIT! Also, I realized that I have to have a CLASS 5 license if I want to ride a vespa, that means, 2 more years of "N" if I ever do get it. I'm still on my fucking "L."

Anywho, I have a test tomorrow for english :( Boo!! I hate my english class. It's oh-so-very-boring. It makes me sleepy. And I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately. Well not much else to write.
